The DAC Coalition Against Bullying– Partnerships Working to Prevent Bullying
- The DAC Community Unity Coalition formed as the outcome of a public forum on bullying and suicide prevention in Doña Ana County in 2011. The name was changed to the DAC Coalition Against Bullying (CAB) in 2014, clarifying the purpose of the coalition.
- Former Doña Ana County Commissioner Scott A. Krahling facilitated the formation of the coalition of community leaders to support actions that would identify issues, goals, programs, and partnerships that could lead to meaningful social change for residents of and visitors to the County.
- The Doña Ana County Board of Commissioners and the City of Las Cruces shared the operational goals of the group and gave their stamp of approval, thereby sending a strong message of support for new initiatives for character-based education throughout the County and City.
- Preventing bullying at its source requires the involvement of everyone in the County and beyond. Organizations and individuals who commit to the vision, mission, and actions to help prevent bullying, to intervene to stop bullying, and promote respectful relationships are invited to join the Coalition.
- The Vision: The vision is to make all communities in Doña Ana County safe, considerate, compassionate, and resilient places for everyone to live and work.
- The Mission: The mission of CAB is to reduce bullying throughout Doña Ana County by strengthening partnerships, expanding advocacy, and facilitating collaboration in the spirit of promoting respectful, compassionate, and welcoming communities.
- Purpose: The purpose of CAB is to reduce bullying and the effects of bullying on any and all residents of Doña Ana County.
- Approach: CAB facilitates lifelong learning about self and others in order to promote mutual respect, confidence, consideration and empathy, and to help everyone understand the impact bullying has on those who are bullied, those who are the bullies, and those who are observers.
How can you contact the CAB?
Any Executive Committee (EC) member would be willing to talk with you about the vision and mission of the CAB. 2019 Executive Committee Members are:
Chair – Kasandra Gandara, Las Cruces City Councilor
Vice Chair/Treasurer – Manuel Sanchez, Doña Ana County Commissioner
Secretary – Carol Spahn, La Piñon
Partnership Development Coordinator – Jazmine Saenz, NM Depart. of Health
Social Media Coordinator – Claudia Ocon, Ngage
At-Large Members
Teresa Samaniego, NM Depar. Of Health
Soña Saiz, LCPS
Richard Hernandez, LCPD Victim Assistance Unit
Ned Rubin-Community Member, Retired Psychologist
Marisol Diaz, UP! Coalition
Past Chairs
Billy Garrett, Former Dona Ana County Commissioner, 2017-2018
Leticia Benavidez, Former Doña Ana County Commissioner, 2015-2016
Wayne Hancock, Former Doña Ana County Commissioner, 2013-2014
Scott Krahling, Former Doña Ana County Commissioner, 2011-2012
What is bullying?
- The word “bullying” is frequently used today as a result of more attention to the problem and perhaps is overused. Not all conflict between people is bullying.
- Specialists in bullying (for example Dan Olweus, Emily Bazelon, and Barbara Coloroso) generally agree that bullying requires three kinds of behaviors: It
- is verbal or physical aggression or abuse
- gets repeated over time
- involves a power imbalance. Bullying involves using power over another person
- Bullying are attacks intended to cause personal or professional suffering and to control or manipulate a target. Harassment focuses on violation of Harassment Laws, attacks intended to harm an individual or group in a protected class (race, religion, gender, age, etc.).
- Cyberbullying takes the cruelty to the Internet. It is cruel and harmful messages, images, and videos about someone that are sent through email, instant messaging, cell phone texting, and other social media.
What can you do to help prevent bullying?
- Use resources to get informed about bullying prevention in work, home, school, and other community settings. The CAB Website has a wide variety of resources to begin the process. There are many more available through the CAB Partners and other local, national, and international organizations.
- Seek out groups and individuals who provide safe “bullying free” spaces and promote respect, empathy, and resilience. CAB members would be glad to talk with you or your organization about issues related to bullying.
- Be a positive role model to help build a more caring community. Interrupt bullying actions; stand up for targets of bullying. Discuss actions that may have the most positive results or solutions with significant people in your lives.
- If you believe you are being bullied, recognize that bullying is about control; keep a diary detailing the nature of the bullying in a safe place (e.g. dates, times, places, what was said or done, who was present); review policies and procedures that exist to protect from bullying and harassment; seek help from a trusted individual who will follow through to help resolve the issue.
- Get involved with the Coalition Against Bullying. Offer your talents and skills to support CAB projects.
What is the CAB doing to support the prevention of bullying?
- CAB collaborates with partners to reduce bullying, to educate and advocate for the promotion of mutual respect, confidence, and compassion.
What are the needs of the CAB?
- Community input; please send ideas for programs and presenters.
- Support for projects; share financial gifts or in-kind services.
- Sign the CAB Commitment Agreement; become a member or partner.